Pool Barrier Inspections Beaumaris
The upscale neighbourhood of Beaumaris is now required to undergo pool barrier inspections in compliance with the new regulations set in Victoria. Our clients who have swimming pools and spas book our pool or spa compliance inspection as soon as they register their swimming pools.
Whether you have an indoor pool, above ground pool or an inflatable pool - as long as it can hold over 300 mm of water, pool barrier inspections are required. Pool fence inspection compliance is such a tedious process but a small price to pay for the safety of young children, especially those aged five years old and below. Besides, once you have your pool compliance certificate, you only need to get it every four years.
We also provide pool barrier inspections in the neighbouring suburbs of Black Rock, Cheltenham and Mentone. If you are planning to get a swimming pool or spa or are confused with the new regulations set by your local council, give us a call for a swimming pool or spa consultation.
My Pool Inspector made the process fast and easy, so you don’t have to worry about missing other errands for pool barrier inspections. Our qualified and licenced pool inspectors are trained to conduct pool inspections efficiently. For questions regarding our service or how to make your pool fence compliant, don’t hesitate to call us.
My Pool Inspector
PH: 03 9515 0575
Email: info@mypoolinspector.com.au
Beaumaris Pool Inspections
Pool barrier inspector Dirk Nannes explains who we are, what we do, and how we can help.
Service Locations
Our team services all of Melbourne and beyond.
If you are outside of the below service area, give us a call and we can arrange an appropriate time.